Today in Blogworld 9.24.12

Precious Puritans (Part 1)

Joe Thorn interacts with a track from Propaganda’s new album (releasing tomorrow) dealing with slavery and the Puritans.  It is very insightful as is the interview he conducts with Richard Bailey.  As far as the Propaganda album goes Justin Taylor calls it an album you can argue with.  You can Pre-order it for tomorrow by clicking here.

Closing the Back Door in Churches

Churches often have a hard time keeping people.  Drawing people for some churches isn’t a problem.  Thom Rainer gives four keys to assimilate people into the church and thereby closing the back door. 

Is Tim Tebow a Chauvinist?

Russell Moore says No.  But in the midst of answering that question he also paints for us an excellent picture of standing firm on biblical truth and how to engage those outside the church. 

Pride in the Pulpit

I wonder if a good number of these pieces from Paul Tripp will end up in his forthcoming book on pastoral ministry.  Either way this is a phenomenal piece on pride in the pulpit. 

Here is a piece that Propaganda did awhile back on G.O.S.P.E.L