Today in Blogworld 6.28.12


Dave Dunham argues that our culture is monopolized by pornography, and it is taking its toll on marriages and many other relationships.  He also offers a helpful response to our increasingly porn-saturated culture. 

The Early Jobs of 24 Famous Writers

I found this really interesting.  John Grisham watered bushes for $1 an hour.  Check out some of these other early jobs of famous authors.  (HT: Trevin Wax)

Flags in Church?

Chad Hall wonders whether or not we should have flags in church.  I have agreed with Hall’s position for quite some time.  I appreciate his well articulated argument.  (HT: Aaron Armstrong)

How Do You Encourage Your Pastor

Brian Croft gives 5 ways to encourage your pastor.  As a pastor myself I can say that when these 5 things have happened in my life they are greatly encouraging.  #3 is the one that may not come naturally to many people but it may be the most needed at times. 

Everything is amazing and nobody is happy.  Hmmm..might be a sermon illustration in this one too:

(HT: Ad Fontes)


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